Sacramental Life

Altar & Rosary Society The members of the Altar and Rosary Society are women dedicated to their faith. They express this by caring for some of the needs of the Parish liturgies – such as providing and cleaning Altar linens and organizing the devotional candles; maintaining a fund to help with major expenditures and improvements of the parish; and supporting seminarians of the parish in both spiritual and financial ways.

Altar Servers (Youth and Adult) This ministry of young people between 4th and 12th grade assists the priest and deacon during the Mass. This Ministry is a wonderful opportunity for the youth of our parish to become more closely involved in the liturgical celebrations of the Church. The Adult Altar Server Ministry consists of adult men and women who assist the Priests and Deacon during daily Mass and Funeral Masses which occur during the week while the younger Altar Servers are in school.

Eucharistic Ministers Those in this ministry assist the priest and deacon at Mass in distributing Holy Communion under both species to the congregation. Many also help in bringing communion to the sick and shut-ins.

Lectors/Readers Lectors minister to the People of God at Mass by proclaiming the Living Word of God. Through their ministry, the Risen Lord is truly present to the assembly during the Liturgy of the Word. Readers are generally scheduled to serve one or two Masses per month.

Ushers In addition to taking up the collections at the Saturday and Sunday Masses, as well as Holy Day Masses, the ushers greet parishioners as they enter the church. They welcome them and answer any questions they may have. The ushers attempt to have everyone seated, especially at Christmas and Easter, when seats are at a premium and direct the parishioners at the time of receiving Holy Communion. They make sure those who are unable to approach the Altar can receive Holy Communion at their seats. Ushers also distribute weekly bulletins and any handouts that are needed at the end of each Mass.