Below are publications Our Lady of Hope Parish has sent to our Parishioners regarding the changes and directives resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dear Parishioners of Our Lady of Hope Parish:
As you may already be aware, in accord with the Governor’s directive to limit gatherings to no more than fifty people, Bishop Sullivan has directed that all public weekday and Sunday Masses be suspended beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020 and until further notice. Therefore, our regularly scheduled Weekday and Weekend Masses have been cancelled.
MASSES WILL CONTINUE TO BE OFFERED PRIVATELY BY THE PRIESTS OF OUR LADY OF HOPE PARISH ensuring that intention requests are being honored. A list of live streamed Masses that can be viewed online can be found on the Diocesan website here:
During this time, we must continue to keep Holy the Sabbath. Other opportunities for taking part in spiritual exercises in your home include watching Mass on TV, reading the Bible, listening to Catholic radio/podcasts, or praying the rosary.
In addition, please note the following changes and/or cancellations to upcoming parish events, gatherings and schedules.
The Parish Office will be open from 9am to 4pm Monday through Friday. There will be no evening hours until further notice. We ask that you call the Parish Office rather than visit in-person when possible as most business can be conducted via phone and would not require a visit to the office.
The Chapel will remain open however, we ask that anyone who utilizes the Chapel for prayer and visits to the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle, respect the recommended “social distancing” guidelines and refrain from exposing the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition, where the Sacrament will be exposed, will continue on Fridays under the same “social distancing” guidelines.
The Priests will continue to anoint the sick and administer viaticum to the dying.
Confessions will continue to take place as normally scheduled on Saturdays at 9:30am & 3:30pm as well as Monday evenings during Lent at 7:00pm. STATIONS OF THE CROSS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE however, EWTN provides an online version of Stations which can be found here:
All group/ministry meetings, gatherings, events etc. have been cancelled until further notice. This includes but is not limited to: EM visits to the homebound, Prayer Groups (Flames of Fire, Precious Blood, El Shaddai, Alliance of the Two Hearts, St. Agnes Prayer Group, Adult Bible Study, etc.) Music Ministry practices (Youth Choir, Adult Choir, and Messenger), Scouting, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Cancer Support Ministry, Grief Support Ministry, Knights of Columbus, Religious Education, Youth Ministry (Young Hope & Rising Hope). THE ENTIRE PARISH CENTER (HALL & MEETING ROOMS) IS CLOSED TO ANYONE OTHER THAN PARISH STAFF.
All Parish events have been postponed or cancelled. This includes but is not limited to: The Parish Seder, Knights Appreciation Breakfast, Parish Pilgrimage, Easter Egg Hunt, and all group activities.