Our Lady of Hope Parish Grotto officially became a reality on May 2, 2021, with a special Mass celebrated by Bishop Sullivan. The dedication and blessing by Bishop Sullivan was attended by over five hundred people and was truly special.
Our Lady has indeed blessed our Parish with a deep love, full of hope and blessings for all of us.
Our Lady of Hope property is about 21.5 acres and is bordered by Little Gloucester Road, Cole Road and Peters Lane. Located by the exit on Little Gloucester Road and the rear parking lot is a retention basin for all the water from our parking lot.
This was made possible through the leadership of our Pastor, Fr. Joseph Szolack, and parishioners and others who have donated to our Grotto. Our Grotto consists of the stations of the cross, lighting, benches, pond, and a candle display with statues of Our Blessed Mother, St. Agnes, and St. Jude.
The transformation of our retention pond into our Grotto has become a Refuge to all and is providing a prayerful and meditative place for everyone who visits.
The Grotto entrance sign “To Jesus Through Mary” truly tells what our Grotto is all about… Jesus
Through the efforts of all making memorial donations, we have been able to make our Grotto a special place for all who visit.
Please continue your prayers, rosaries, lighting candles as we continue on our journey.
All patron donations: Gold $2,000.00 or more, Silver $1,000.00 – $1,999.00 and Bronze $500.00- $999.00 and patron donations $ 0 to $499 will be displayed on memorial plaques in the Grotto area.
Many thanks and blessings to you for your sacrifice in honor of Our Blessed Mother. Interested in donating to the Grotto? Please contact the Parish Office at 856-228-4331 or email: