Our Lady of Hope is home to over 20 ministries. Each ministry has a different purpose serving both parishioners and non-parishioners and we are always open to new members. It is the involvement of these ministries that make our parish so vibrant and help to nurture a deep sense of community amongst our parishioners. There is a calling for everyone to be involved in parish life and you can find a ministry below to meet your needs.
- Altar & Rosary Society
- Altar Servers
- Baptismal Prep & Greeting team
- Bereavement Ministry
- Catalyst—Young Adults
- Children’s Liturgy
- Church Choir
- Donut Sunday
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Finance Council
- Flames of Fire Prayer Group
- Grief Support
- Lectors
- Living Christ
- Motorcycle Ministry
- Nursing Health Ministry
- OLOH Senior Citizens
- OLOH Prayer Group
- Prayer Shaw Ministry
- Rising Hope
- Stephen Ministry
- Young Hope
- Young Families Ministry
If you are interested in joining any of the ministries listed or you would like to start a new ministry at our parish, please complete the contact form below.